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Old 03-08-2022, 11:53 AM
xelasnave's Avatar
Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
Posts: 17,003
Like most projects the start is difficult but then things get done at a rapid rate but as you approach the finish things just seem to become more numerous I got my observatory built, built the pier after the floor was down, laid two new layers of floor the second working laying on my belly, went thru hair pulling times to get the motors and winch system working, but finally when I get all four scopes actually in place and it seems that now the work has just's like building a get the hull and deck built and fit the motor and think " finally I have built my boat"....mmm it seems that is not the case as that is when the real work starts..and never ends thinking about it now

AND is much the same with the microscopes..I had a pleasant start but now that I know more and working on lighting and multi layer captures it is like I am worse off than I started...but heck it is good for an old fella like me as I find by just chipping away I get things done that I would not have tackled twenty years ago.

Anyways Mike, and I have done this with my various observatory builds I posted about here, you need to read your all your posts to remind yourself of the various steps and how you moved past obstacles...I can remember when the batteries etc was your main worry for example...heck I can rember my "cube" for example somehow getting the material up the stairs with crook legs and at the time I thought it was impossible for me...
ANYWAYS dont rush as I dont want the story to end

Perhaps you need an additional hobby for some balance

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