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Old 26-07-2022, 07:50 PM
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astro744 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1,244
The film of choice 30+ years ago was Kodak Technical Pan TP-2415, either hypersensitised for deep sky or not for planets. It was a very fine grain B&W film with good contrast. (Discontinued). Not sure about current day choices. Perhaps ask on a more specific film astrophotography forum which you can find with your preferred search engine.

Try any modern 400, 800 or 1600 film in colour or B&W and see what you like best. B&W is easy to develop at home but you need the equipment and a dark room. I used to buy my film hypered locally. Lumicon used to sell a hypering kit but you had to buy refill gas bottle or get it filled locally if a supplier was willing. It’s hydrogen gas with a bit of nitrogen to make it safer I believe.

See for some info. I found it easier to just buy hypered film and it was shipped in a dry ice package to keep it cool so it wouldn’t lose its effectiveness.
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