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Old 14-04-2022, 01:00 PM

JA is offline
Join Date: Oct 2016
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Originally Posted by garymck View Post
I'm looking at getting a new mirrorless camera. This is to be a dual use "happy snaps" and camera for astro use.

For astro use the prime area of interest will be for nightscapes and very wide field use (currently building an astrotracker) it may also be attached to a scope for deep sky use, though I have an ASI533MC Pro for that use mostly.

My budget is limited at up to $2000 for camera and lens.

I want something relatively light weight for travel use (Years ago I bought a Nikon D7000 and a couple of zooms, and found it way too heavy for travel - it spent most of the time on a trip to Turkey (one of my favourite places with amazingly friendly people) in my suitcase in hotels, and has been rarely used since (still have it, 13 years old and shutter count of 3.5K)

Could be interested in second-hand - though a check of Gumtree and Facebook Marketplace show people want silly money for some stuff.

So suggestions please for camera lens combo...

Is there anywhere in Australia that does camera mods for a reasonable price? Have seen quotes up to $700.. Worth it for my use case?

Hi Gary,

You want a mirrorless camera that's light for travel use as well as some nightscape/ astro wide capabilities at <$2K.

If your requirements favour the lightweight and travel use aspects more then I would have no hesitation in recommending the Nikon Z50, an APSc sized mirrorless camera available with a 16-50mm lens for ~$1200 or with the 16-50mm and 50-250mm lenses for ~$1700. They can be had used for as low as 600-1200 depending or your luck.

If your requirements favour nightscape/astro work then a fullframe mirrorless like the Nikon Z5 or Z6 would be better as the larger sensor would collect more light (for the same field of view), thereby helping lower noise in comparison with a smaller sensor. That is not to say that the Nikon Z50 has any issues with noise. It has a very clean "isoless" sensor which performs well down around 200-400 iso allowing protection against blowing out highlights and recovery of low level signals as well as excellent dynamic range and hence retention of star colour.

I have a Z50 that I took on tour in Tasmania and would rate it as an excellent travel and general camera, being light weight and not bulky, especially used with the 16-50mm lens (24-75mm FF equivalent FOV) with excellent ergonomics and layout. I have a few seen a few images made with it on telescopes and see that it recovers colours deep in to the reds suggesting good Hydrogen Alpha response as well as excellent star colour retention. These images were in a couple of Steven Morris Youtube videos that used the Z50 as well as some others on Astrobin. I will look for the videos and post a link later if you like. The only issue I have with the Z50 is that in camera you are limited to 30 second exposures on the inbuilt intervalometer. Most cameras have the same limit, but unfortunately there are no 3rd party or even Nikon intervalometers for >30 second images for those wanting to travel light in the field. This may not be that that big a deal for some. I'm Ok with it as 30s is OK for me with fast lenses. To get >30second images with the Z50 you have to image via USB/Laptop control or miniPC or ASI Air(??) type control.


Last edited by JA; 14-04-2022 at 04:34 PM.
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