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Old 13-04-2022, 03:58 PM
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AdamJL is offline
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Originally Posted by OneCosmos View Post
I read this thread because I have the Eagle 4 pro and although I have a $1000 12v 70AH lithium battery it all works fine until I plug in the QHY268 then the computer just shuts down!

Testar suggested it was because the power isn’t regulated and that does indeed seem to be plausible and match empirical evidence.

Is this unit referred to in this thread a year ago still the best option and is it regulated?

It is only 50AH but it would probably see me through a night with:

Eagle 4 Pro;
AZ-EQ6 pro;
QHY268 (cooled)
Esatto focuser
2x dew straps (controlled through ECCO);

I see there is a 100AH offering from itech but it is $2300 and more importantly, it weighs 17kg which is starting to not be very portable (albeit I’m only expecting to heave it out of the car and not carry it far). The 50AH version above is a more manageable 6.6kg.

Anything better given that a year has past so nice this thread was initiated?

I posted some recommendations here:

Yes there are some great options out there right now.

And yes, the power spike from the QHY camera into an Eagle is a known issue. Plenty of people have had the same thing on CloudyNights.
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