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Old 07-10-2006, 10:36 AM
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RB (Andrew)

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**"The Next Photo" - New Challenge Thread**

This challenge is not to replace the monthly photo challenge, it's to compliment and hopefully be fast paced.

The way it works is that I'll start off with a photo and also name
the next subject using "The Next Photo will have......" and then someone can post the next photo with this theme and they inturn will pick the theme for the next photo saying "The Next Photo will have......" and so it goes.
Please only post photos that you yourself have taken, we'd like to see your work.

It is designed to be fast paced and fun, everyone can post but you'll have to be quick before the theme changes to something else.

If the person picking the theme wishes they can call a "Wildcard theme" where the next photo can be anything.

Please remember to include the line "The Next Photo will have......" in your post.

Also people can post comments in the same thread so it should be fun.

Please enjoy.

To get us started here's the first photo.
It's a passionfruit vine taken in abstract form.

The next photo will have "Something Big in it !"
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Last edited by RB; 31-08-2007 at 09:44 AM.
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