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Old 07-03-2022, 09:59 PM
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strongmanmike (Michael)
Highest Observatory in Oz

strongmanmike is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Canberra
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Originally Posted by gregbradley View Post
Sorry to hear of your injuries.

You are getting close now to being operational. Looking forward to seeing the results!

Has it been as cloudy as around Sydney has been in the last 6 months down there?

Yeah the rib and ankle have slowed me down. Because I want this bloody observatory done already , I was going to pour the support pier first (~ 0.75m3) and get the deck underway ...buuuut then discovered today, that the cost of getting concrete, up a damn high mountain, over an hours drive from the nearest supplier, err? not cheap and has a large base delivery price . So, I plan on forming up the slabs for the shed, path and observing pad for the 18" dob this weekend and then getting all the concrete delivered at once (~ 2.25m3) after that...lets hope the rain holds off! Maama Mia!

Yes, apart from several good clear nights over the Chrissey/New Year period while the comet was around, and given I am not always there, so I may have missed some clear sky time, it has been largely rather bleak nights at Eagleview.. and in the Canberra region generally too, about as bad as I can remember really ...after the good number of amazing, very dark and transparent clear skies over winter, that had my heart pounding with glee and eyes buzzing, it's been a little astronomically depressing really...haven't managed to test the new 18"dob yet either will get better again, just gotta be patient, I have faith in El Nina leaving the room soon... and as our TV's have shown us in recent weeks, it could be A LOT!! worse!

Originally Posted by AdamJL View Post
Ha I watched that video today on YouTube and wondered whether that some was yours!
He he, yeah if I can get this bloody pier and deck done, then according to my current schedule, it should be able to be installed late April..?


Last edited by strongmanmike; 07-03-2022 at 10:09 PM.
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