Thread: New observatory
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Old 12-10-2021, 02:16 PM
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xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
Posts: 17,003
Happy happy happy.
Today the EQ 8 arrived at the Rural Agents at Tabulam and because they were getting too much stuff the driver rang me as it was being unloaded asking if I could get it I rang my neighbour who just happened to be going into Tabulam to pick up his mail, so yet again the Universe lines up to help little old me...And if it had not been raining he would have been working and unavailable...I did need to buy a tarp at the Rural Agents to cover the load, which was good because I needed one at the van..perfect outcome.
The boxes are now in the observatory but unfortunately I cant unpack until tomorrow.
AND thinking more about the genny I realised that I need a key start genny at the Observatory otherwise I would not have airconditioning in my carer rang the shop and fortunately although another one had been sold since she placed the deposit there was one she went in immediately and just now came home with the two of them..damn heavy but I have mine now in my car ...So the progress in only two days has been wonderful...
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