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Old 14-09-2021, 12:44 PM
Startrek (Martin)
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Originally Posted by AdamJL View Post
Hi Martin

40 Flats, 40 Dark flats, 40 Darks
Exposure time is calculated by NINA, depending on the light source. I set NINA to target a histogram mean of 32768 (50%) with a 10% tolerance.
Minimum exposure is usually 2 seconds, maximum is 20 seconds.

For light source, I use either
- a Huon tracing panel, with pieces of white paper between the panel and the scope to dim it a little (even on the dimmest setting, it's usually too bright)
- wait for morning, then slew to zenith, use the sky brightness and pieces of white paper again

I've had the issue of corners overcorrecting though, as mentioned above by Paul. This was a while ago but it seems to be okay these days.

Thanks for starting this topic. I took 100 bias each last night at various gain settings and -10 temperature (temperature probably doesn't make any difference but I did it anyway).
Thanks Adam
Calibration is not talked about that often on the forum, only when folk need some advice like me , I’ve managed without it for some time but it’s bitten me on the bum now and I have to learn and use it especially in Sydney
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