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Old 08-07-2021, 11:35 PM
TareqPhoto (Tareq)
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Originally Posted by JA View Post
Hi Tareq,

Well there are many possibilities to consider there. I would personally work towards a choice which sets you up in the medium to longer term, rather than chose something for the here and now because you feel you have to.

To that end it would be good to know your vision of what you would like to do with your setup. To me based on what you've said and what I can piece together from "reading between the lines" you'd like to setup a multi-telescope imaging system perhaps with 2 or 3 scopes using your existing mount (10kg payload) for deepsky imaging using some or all of your cameras. Is that correct?

Why would you like to do this: because imaging time would be shorter or increased image quality or other reasons? Will all scopes be on the exact same target field or will they be pointed so as to create a wider image mosaic from 2 or 3 adjoining fields of view.

One of the things that sticks out to me, since I am very interested in doing exactly the same sort of thing, is that the different camera sizes and different focal length scopes introduce unnecessary complexity in potentially matching their fields of view, if indeed that's what you are trying to do. In summary, if you could expand on what your vision is, it might be easier to offer an easier/better path forward, with possibly different/more choices.


Hi again,

I can answer you and clarify things better if possible.

- I had two 2 scopes before, then i added one last year, then another one this year but it was ordered last year, 1 is for planetary and lunar so this is out, the other two are 8" F/5 Newt [1000mm] and 6" F/4 Newt [600mm], so i covered 2 focal lengths or FOV, then this 90mm F/6 which is 540mm, close to that 6" Newt.

- I am planing for multi-scope imaging systems for sure, with 2 or 3 scopes, my mount is rated as 18KG or 20KG roughly.

- Trying to use 3 cameras, if i can use all 4 then that is great, but i think my mount can handle only 2-3 scopes of small ones, with larger scopes as 6" or 8" i will buy another mount in future.

- For now i only want to cover WIDE field multi scopes first, so APS-C with ~350mm, QHY294M with ~270-290mm, then ASI1600MM with ~260-280mm, QHY163M is same as ASI1600, i will use ASI1600 because it is connected to 1.25" high quality narrowbanding filters and not QHY163M with moderate filters.

- Want to get data of different filters at same time, even if FOV is slightly different but not very big difference, software like PI or APP can match that FOV difference perfectly, i saw people did with so much different FOV, then i will try to make it for WIDE FOV that is like 500mm-550 on full frame sensor.

- Someone told me that thinking too much about the camera different size or pixel size and different focal length is just nonsense, many are worried or scared to do it and only blinded by calculations, while others did it nicely successfully, in fact i did it, with a lens and a scope reduced, data was bad but i got data from both at same time of different filters, if the data was good then it will give great result, bad data due to out of focus and errors in guiding which wasted like 1 hour of data from two and also back focus between the two, so i didn't bother to process each/both data, but i got data from both which means it is possible, i just didn't want data from that lens and that scope.
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