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Old 08-07-2021, 10:01 AM
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strongmanmike (Michael)
Highest Observatory in Oz

strongmanmike is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Canberra
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Originally Posted by SimmoW View Post
Wow, congrats Mike, great to see yet another IIS person join the dark skies club like me. It really is very special eh? Although I rarely have time and energy to image lately, with my work and real farming priorities taking over, I still get plenty of opportunities to stop outside at night and marvel at our dark skies! Esp at this clear, crisp time of year. We are only at 140m high, but are blessed with similar dark skies, though Shepparton is getting bigger every year and their light dome gradually being more visible 30ks away. Maybe we will all start up a dark skies network one day!

I can see your enthusiasm and pleasure, great to see.
Cheers Simon

Yeah true dark skies, especially in your own backyard!.. is a luxury for sure and those of us lucky enough to enjoy such a situation, should cherish it as a privilege

Luckily for me, my new location is not a real "farm" as such, it is just the perfect private getaway, that can never be built out or have any substantial lighting ever put in place close by, we acquired enough land to essentially guarantee our light free view, as it were

Monday night, standing on the front deck, looking straight up, the super bright Milky Way, with a myriad of dark dust lanes, was silhouetted against the dark background sky full of stars and it truly looked like it soared overhead, like an Eagle, at a slight angle, framed nicely by a big snow gum and the curved roof of our house, the view was awe inspiring, felt like I was on another planet, somewhere else in the galaxy......wish I had taken my tripod

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