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Old 22-06-2021, 04:27 PM
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strongmanmike (Michael)
Highest Observatory in Oz

strongmanmike is offline
Join Date: May 2006
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Originally Posted by BC View Post
I'm not a regular poster but your story is inspiring. We spent 10 years, 20km outside Queanbeyan at 900m on a hilltop where I could see the Tindery Mountains. It's where I got into astro due to the phenomenal skies but yours is at another level altogether. Our prevailing winds were W or NW but that will become evident. Your excitement is infectious as you can tell by the number of responses. Have fun, Bruce
Cheers Bruce, nice to hear that My excitement may well be interpreted as bragging by some, or some form of blowing my own trumpet etc but as you and hopefully most others have thankfully identified correctly, that's not where I am at, or coming from, it's just exciting to share such a thrilling situation with others, who understand the feeling, would feel exactly the same in my shoes and can join in and run with someone else's good fortune, without jealousy or negative'yas all ...if all else fails just enjoy the nice colourful pictures you would a brochure describing some cool AirB&B

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