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Old 18-04-2021, 06:43 PM
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ChrisD (Chris)
Image, Stack, Repeat.

ChrisD is offline
Join Date: Apr 2021
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 251
Hi Paul,

You can use WBPP but not in a way you have before.

Normally, using the defaults, WBPP will calibrate, debayer (from a OSC camera), register and integrate you images to produce the final image.

You will need to use WBPP for the calibration and debayer functions but turn off the registration and Integration and do them separately.

First load into WBPP the first night of light, dark, flats, bias, whatever us normally use. Go to the the lights tab of WBPP and deselect the Apply box of "image registration" and "image integration". Then "run" as usual.

Do this again for the second night of data. Each nights data is done separately.

The WBPP output will be a set of debayered images with darks and flats and bias applied.

Now for both nights images you need to register them to line them up, and Integrate them all to get the final image.

Use process>StarAlignment for all the images, and then process>ImageIntegration to finish the workflow.

You should now have the finished image correctly calibrated and stacked.


Last edited by ChrisD; 18-04-2021 at 07:07 PM.
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