Thread: Voyager
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Old 16-04-2021, 05:10 PM
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peter_4059 (Peter)
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Originally Posted by DavidTrap View Post
Looks great Peter,

Fantastic job to have it select sequential targets within your horizon limits.

I believe the author of the software is heading in the direction of autonomous target selection - then it’ll be a definite alternative to ACP Scheduler for remote autonomous operation. You might not have to do the programming yourself

I bought a licence for Voyager last year and found it fantastic - pretty much ran the first night without intervention. NINA also looks good. I’ve been away for the last few days so have missed the opportunity to fire up my gear for the first time in months - hopefully the weather gods will be look kindly on us after a meagre summer of astronomy.

Hi David. I was aware Leonardo is working on the "Advanced Version" of Voyager and I've heard it is going to have the ability to pick targets based on user criteria. That will be a massive breakthrough compared to more traditional approaches where you have to plan everything in advance. I'm not sure of the time frame for its release or how much it will cost.

Meanwhile, I love the challenge of tinkering and making stuff (I suspect you've already picked up on that ) I'm really interested in learning Python as it has some handy astronomy libraries and it also seems to be the goto language for AI and machine learning - who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?
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