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Old 02-02-2021, 01:38 PM
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Camelopardalis (Dunk)
Drifting from the pole

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Originally Posted by AdamJL View Post
Fantastic, thanks Dunk. Glad I can run a low power rig on 12V. That's my aim.
On the plate solving front, you can install ANSVR - that bundles up the tools and helps you install the right index files for local use.

Obviously, plate solving becomes faster on faster CPUs, but is mostly single-threaded, so if you have multiple cores it's typically only using one. And of course, CPUs consume power...but they don't consume much while it's just tracking, guiding and taking regular "long" exposures.

I found a big speed increase going from my earlier Atom-based NUC to the i3, so going from about 30-40 seconds to solve down to single digits, for a hinted solve (ASTAP, PlateSolve2). Blind solves always take longer because it doesn't have that hint about where it should start looking.

The flip side is that the i3 uses (at idle) 5x the power of the Atom. I see it as a case of horses for Atom NUC is now relegated to (mostly) DSLR stuff while the i3 is the general workhorse...which includes lunar and planetary, writing to NVMe SSD
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