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Old 17-12-2020, 12:11 PM
Startrek (Martin)
Registered User

Startrek is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Sydney and South Coast NSW
Posts: 6,128
My first visual scope was a GSO 10” dob , now I use a Skywatcher 12” Goto dob
I sold all my Plössl eye pieces, they were entry level and got me started but I have now built up a Televue collection over 4 years , spent a lot of money but worth every cent ....... I also suffer from and myopia and astigmatism ( 1.5 diopter) in my right eye and myopia in my viewing eye which is ok as you can adjust focus to correct it
My collection .......
I had a Delite 7mm and 15mm but sold them due to what I purchased later ....
Panoptic 24mm for DSO
Panoptic 27mm for DSO
Delos 4.5mm for moon and planetary
Delos 6mm for moon and planetary
Delos 10mm for moon and planetary
Delos 17.3mm for DSO
Ethos 4.7mm SX for moon and planetary ( Lunar views out of this world, it’s like orbiting the moon from 100km up !!!! )
Ethos 8mm for moon and planetary
Ethos 13mm for DSO
Ethos 21mm for DSO ( best eye piece in the world IMHO )
Apollo 11 commemorative eye piece for moon and planetary
Paracorr Type 2 coma corrector ( excellent )
Powermate 2 x
Powermate 2.5 x
Powermate 4 x
Powermate 5 x
All Powermate T ring Adapters
I generally use my Powermates for planetary imaging
Televue Dioptrx

I observe under Bortle 3 to 4 skies

I’ve used the Nagler 22mm but never owned one ( a superb DSO eye piece )

If you have budget constraints don’t think buying Delites ( lower cost eye pieces ) will satisfy your hunger for better views, try and hold off , save up and buy Panoptic, Delos , Ethos or Nagler ( you won’t be disappointed I can assure you )

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