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Old 17-12-2020, 10:42 AM
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a5tarman is offline
Join Date: Oct 2020
Location: Adelaide, Australia
Posts: 11
10 Inch GSO Dob eyepiece recommendations

Hi guys, I just bought myself a 10" GSO Dob that comes with a 9mm, 15mm, 25mm Plossls, and 30mm superview.

I live under bortle 5-6 area, where I will do most of my viewing, so I suspect planets and the moon will be my best subjects, and some star clusters, and bright nebulae. I'd like at least one really nice eyepiece in my collection, in the short term. Probably from the Televue range. What eyepiece would you guys recommend as a first upgrade? I'm tempted by the TV Delite range for planets. Or am I better off getting a 16 or 17mm TV Nagler along with a 2x or 3x Barlow? Or should I think bigger (FOV wise) and look at the Ethos range?

The other question I have, is a 2x Barlow overkill with this scope and current line up of Plossls?
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