Thread: New observatory
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Old 02-10-2020, 01:29 PM
xelasnave's Avatar
Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
Posts: 17,003
Scored some more foam but forgot to get move builders foam.., new dam completed, crucible made, pier underway ..the photo here is to give an idea of the is now past this but I needed to take a rest just now and drink maybe even eat something, and forgot another news coming back to the van and not looking forward to how hot it would be, I tried the genny and it started third pull so my carb pull down did the trick...and I never got around to the spark plug which is usually the first thing I look at...and better still the air conditioner started working so it must have shut down because the genny wasnt supplying power before I shut it down days happy as to me the air conditioner is new..I have not used it much..

The earth mover cut a track right to the dam so the girls are happy...the pier is consuming an extraordinary amount of concrete..Today I have put in three bags which I thought with additional rocks would have it to the level where I would fit the pipe mold..honestly you just cant see where the 3 bags have gone..anyways there is already a huge mass..9 star pickets a lot of rocks and 3 bags of concrete..might nip into Tabulam and get more and try and get some progress happening. I work and work and there is still so much to do.

Making the crucible was fun and I tell you I am a clever little devil...first I fashioned basically a bowl and could not get a beaker shape, which was odd because I have made them in the past..but I folded the bowl and stuck most of the edges together ending up with a pointy affair open at one end like those ancient vessles they carried wine and olive oil around i..I bet that is how they made intuitive.. but then I filled it with sawdust and was able to fashion a neat unit..added a handle so as to put a brach thru when pouring the molten alluminium.. I will leave the sawdust moist to slow the drying which usually minimises cracks...only took a little over an hour.
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