Thread: New observatory
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Old 17-09-2020, 06:39 AM
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xelasnave is offline
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Alex, how about a travelator instead of a ramp? A nice conveyor belt on rollers driven by one of your motors. Maybe a future upgrade.

I have the electric cord version of that Ozito chain saw, and it is indeed a useful tool. I went with the cord version because I find battery powered devices are unreliable over the years.
I like the belt idea...I don't even know if my wheel chair will fit as it is still in Sydney...but thinking it thru one won't be able to roll up that incline without some power assist..anyways I am thinking to put in a cot and a small bench for a stove and wash basin and live in the roll off...just use the van as a big cupboard.

Yes a power cord..what a luxury...a,though I do use them from the genny...actually I may get one with a cord you can't have to many cutting things...what gets me is I have not had to sharpen it yet..probably less stress but given the time that I have used it why it does not need sharpening is odd...but suits would be good for butchering a cattle or a sheep..just put olive oil in the bar oil chamber...I remember butchering a sheep with a power saw once..inside..the mince meat was everywhere floor ceiling walls..did not notice until the job was done.

Been clear here but lots of dew..ordinarily I would have a go but because of the work I am asleep by eight ..up at 4-30 for a 5 am start you see.

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