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Old 05-09-2020, 11:43 AM
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Camelopardalis (Dunk)
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Camelopardalis is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 5,458
Sounds like a case of "doth protest too much"?

Greg, presenting a list of features/extrapolations that the ZWO _doesn't_ have can be construed as one-sided/bias/whatever.

In practice, how does the extra well depth affect the images? (Is it even real? I wonder what Sony's specs say)

Is the horizontal banding relevant? Has there been any evidence that this is (also) present in the 26MP chip?

What use is the extra 1792MB memory when each image is ~52MB?

How much of an advantage does the higher grade sensor yield for astrophotography? The longer life would certainly be advantageous, but without a reference timescale, it just looks like a lot of extra money for unknown gain.

I'm not taking sides here. While I have a ZWO camera, QHY have been putting out some pretty appealing offerings of late, at aggressive price points. Competition is good.
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