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Old 10-07-2020, 09:48 AM
SB (Chris)
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Location: Lake Macquarie NSW
Posts: 274
ASiAir V2 Wifi Range

Hi Folks
Has anyone experienced wifi range problems on the new Asiair?

I’ve just received an Asiair upgrade and given it a bit of a run. The Wifi range appears to be really poor at both frequencies. At some positions near the mount my ipad looses signal (only 1M from the device). Away from the mount signal is lost at 6 metres. Asiair v1 had a longer range and had a plastic case. It would appear that the metal case in Asiair v2 acts as a Faraday cage preventing wifi propagation and the slot openings of the case prevent uniform wifi coverage.

Has anyone encountered this problem and implemented any workarounds (eg range extenders, wireless routers using the ethernet port).

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