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Old 16-06-2020, 02:51 PM
glend (Glen)
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Location: Lake Macquarie
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Twin Oppositions Fast Approaching

Do people on this forum realise just how well placed we are for the forthcoming near simultaneous oppositions of Jupiter and Saturn? The east coast of Australia is possibly the best place in the world to view, image, Jupiter and Saturn at Opposition this year. Jupiter will be at Opposition on 14 July, and Saturn on the 21st of July. Just consider the rarity of the event in terms of orbital mechanics, with Jupiter, Saturn and the Earth all travelling at different speeds in their respective to be orbits. To have all three in this sort of opposition configuration is probably not something that will happen again in my lifetime. This tandem opposition event is not to be missed for keen planetary observers. Both of these wonderful planets are high in our night sky from near midnight, where the atmosphere is the thinnest to gaze through. Our poor cousins in the northern hemisphere have to struggle with low angle views.
Make the most of this momentous event.

Then, later this year, in December, we have a Great Conjunction, with Jupiter and Saturn. Great conjunctions occur regularly, every 19.6 years, due to the combined effect of Jupiter's approximately 11.86-year*orbital period*and Saturn's 29.5-year orbital period.

Last edited by glend; 16-06-2020 at 04:09 PM.
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