Thread: New observatory
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Old 10-06-2020, 03:16 PM
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xelasnave is offline
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Originally Posted by Startrek View Post
Enjoying your reading your progress
It’s important to take regular mini breaks and rest , you will find it allows you to keep going and achieve little milestones bit by bit
All the best
I usually do that..I get 10 minutes and rest for an hour but it is surprising how I get things done that way..yesterday was a draining day..a big food shop, bunnings, jay car and personally booked my car in for had an unbelievable stuff around with my car insurance..but got everything done..and because my legs were on fire drank half a bottle of scotch just to get a break..maybe I had a hangover..surely not it was only half a bottle...but it is so good just to have them stop..they are still on fire but after my break last night I can tolerate them...I am later setting up ramps so I can use my wheel chair more around here..I don't need one really but the legs don't burn as much if I am sitting down..I know slack.

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