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Old 09-06-2020, 08:59 AM
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The_bluester (Paul)
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The_bluester is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Kilmore, Australia
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That is the pity of it isn't it, there will never be a comparison between 14 and 16 bits. I think the full well potential is a little meaningless. Unless you don't mind the quantisation uncertainty of 7e/ADC you cant make full use of it. I went back with my ASI294 to zero gain recently (Which stuffs the entire 64K full well capacity of the sensor pixel wells into the 14 bit ADC range) and after one night went straight back to unity gain and deleted the resulting subs, the image quality difference was starkly visible. Even just trying out shooting flats at zero gain (So that the ADC of the image directly correlated to the sensor electron count) made a yucky looking result when those flats were applied to light frames shot at either gain setting.

All that said, it will probably make quite a nice camera when paired to the right telescope, but I think it is likely to suffer from some of the same compromises as my ASI294 where you have to decide between capturing faint detail with longer exposures or keeping good star colours on the brighter stars. Once the ADC output is saturated for any colour channel that is it for faithful star colour reproduction. All you can hope for is to saturate all three so you get a white star, though there will be a bit of a fringe around the white core until all three channels are back in a working range again.
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