Thread: Covid-19
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Old 11-04-2020, 04:48 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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Originally Posted by Zuts View Post
As far as travelling to a holiday home, some rural hospitals may have only one or two ventilators, so if everyone decided to visit how are these hospitals supposed to provide support to their local residents?
Well, as a mature adult I think that call should be mine to make.
Particularly after 14 days of isolation and zero infection.
The drive, say to Bateman's Bay, is hardly likely to infect me.

But to be fair, If I show any respiratory aliments on arrival, it would be fair enough for local medial centres to say "bugger off" and for preferential support to be given to locals.

The extreme risk aversion of Australia I frankly find weird.

The recent banning by "authorities" of coastal walks being rather bizarre.

The chances of one collecting this bug from a passing jogger are, while not zero, extremely low.

Also, my driving to a remote site to do some astro-photography, meet no-one, and drive home again
is perversely in my initial post, due some really lazy legislation.

We'll have to wear hard-hats soon due rocks falling from space

My comments relate to the Australian spread of COVID-19.
Clearly we are not in the same boat as the USA/Spain/Italy/UK

Last edited by Peter Ward; 11-04-2020 at 06:30 PM.