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Old 20-08-2019, 07:42 AM
glend (Glen)
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glend is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lake Macquarie
Posts: 7,068
Keep it simple, a guidescope is fine. People seem to constantly suggest increasing complexity, when that is the last thing someone starting out in imaging needs.
One shot colour cameras are where most people start, with good reason. If your shooting mono / filters, your complexity increases 3-4 times; your sub exposures will blow out 3 to 4 the number required to capture a OSC, for a marginal increase in resolution, and frankly at the short focal length of your chosen scope, and the small pixels of your chosen camera, it's not worth it. You also increase processing complexity significantly.
As to your location, if shooting in Sydney, consider a good light pollution filter, that will set you up just fine.
There is plenty of time to grapple with mono cameras, filters, filter wheels, OAG (if ever required at all), and complex processing - once you learn the basics and have some nice images from your OSC setup.

Last edited by glend; 20-08-2019 at 08:21 AM.
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