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Old 06-07-2019, 07:38 AM
xelasnave's Avatar
Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
Posts: 17,003
Welcome Alan to iceinspace.
When in Sydney I am not that far from you .... Cheltenhan.
My last photo was using a dslr camera on a busted mount..effectively a tripod.
Although I could not get my cheap 50mm lens to focus the experience shows that with a little effort you can produce a wide field with short subs and stacking.
All you need to get started is Deep Sky Stacker which is a free get a copy and have a go... Point at the Milky Way and click away☺ ... If you can get to a dark spot so much the better.
Try the shortest fl lens in your collection and start with a high iso at 1 or 2 seconds grab 50 to 100 subs stack them in Deep Sky Stacker (which has limited processing but will do the job for starters ..brightness, and colour) and take the stacked image to photoshop if you have it or if not download Gimp a free program and adjust levels brightness and contrast and see how you go.
I hope you can have a go and post your first attempts in the photography section here.
Also you can have fun with the you need short exposures, again grab a few subs and download Registax which is simar to Deep Sky Stacker but better for Moon and planets and see how you go.
I use up to 300 mm fl camera lens but on an eq mount and you can get some great could consider for an eq mount a star adventurer (around $500) or an heq5 (around $1200) and you can run without auto guide doing subs of maybe up to 3 minutes ... either if those options will see you well equiped for a multitude of deep sky objects.
Good luck.
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