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Old 24-01-2018, 02:16 AM
glend (Glen)
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glend is offline
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Lake Macquarie
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The TS130 APO, has a few focuser options, and they are all very strong, with the 2.5" and 3" Rack and Pinion also used in other TS APOs. I have rhe 2.5" R&P on two of my APOs, and have never has a problem with them slipping when the correct TS motor focus adaptor is used.. Did you contact Teleskop-Express before you disassembled the focuser? They have an excellent service department. Your focus motor bar is a non-standard part for that focuser and it appears your using the wrong holes to secure the bar to the focuser body, this could be a problem. Was there a reason you could not use the standard TS motor focuser mounting bar?
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