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Old 18-01-2018, 11:33 AM
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OzEclipse (Joe Cali)
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OzEclipse is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Young Hilltops LGA, Australia
Posts: 1,209
Ok so your edge tiles are down to a bit more than half thickness. I would keep grinding for now. It gets tricky. You don't want to run out of glass near the end of the 80 grit because then if you have to retile, you will be grinding just to grind the resurfaced tool to match the mirror. You definitely don't want to run out of glass on the edge during the fine grind or you'll have to go back to coarse grind to resurface the tool. Just monitor the situation. If it looks like you won't make it, resurface the tool with fresh tiles when there is maybe 3mm left on the edge. Then you'll have an even 8mm all over to finish the job.

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