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Old 18-09-2017, 11:26 PM
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Andy01 (Andy)
My God it's full of stars

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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3,271
Fyi, I'm following this with great interest and appreciation for all the thoughtful input from you all.
I'm learning heaps from your combined contributions.
As you know, I'm more creative than technical, so I'm all ears to your input.

My experience and results with refractors appears to have been satisfyingly simple in hindsight, by comparison with say Paul H & Lee's experience with bedding down their fast newts and the issues they have had to patiently work through!

Probably worth mentioning that in my very hands on, manual workflow I use a mac, focus manually (once only, at the start of an imaging run, just set & forget, with parfocal Astrodons that don't seem to shift) spend ages framing my targets for aesthetic reasons, and shoot mainly NB from my suburban Melbourne backyard - with occasional trips to my mate's country property for LRGB stuff.

So I'm kinda hoping for a solution that just works out of the box!

My pimped out hypertuned, belt modded EQ6 was aquired from a fellow iis member who used it to do amazingly sharp 1hr subs with a homemade a 10" f4 CF newt riding on top.

So as I have a young family with 3 lots of school fees, I've no plans to upgrade the mount (or my camera) yet, and that's going to have a significant bearing on the max weight of any proposed ota.

I've also considered & been researching longer refractors, Mak-Newts, CF Newts, Truss Newts, SCT's, hyperstar etc - seems that there are a great many options out there.

So please keep the discussion going- I'm sure that not only myself but many others are benefiting from your combined wisdom


Last edited by Andy01; 18-09-2017 at 11:39 PM. Reason: Typos
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