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Old 18-09-2017, 01:54 PM
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strongmanmike (Michael)
Highest Observatory in Oz

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Originally Posted by gregbradley View Post
Thanks Mike. I wasn't suggesting though that he should spend mega dollars it was more about the theory that you can get exactly the same results.
Its certainly close but that extra bit does seem to come from aperture. GSO has made large aperture a lot more affordable in just a few years.
Just putting in a different point of view.

Hey no problems Greg, all good fun musing I was just trying to illustrate that a relatively inexpensive fast Newt around 1100-1200mm FL, coupled to a small pixel sensitive camera does pretty ok on small objects and (unlike the smartR's link to the CHART32 class outfit ) could perhaps fit in Andy's budget . Hey and then if one attaches a bigger chip you would also have a bigger field = win-win

Of course aperture is desirable but it comes at a $ cost and in typical Aussie conditions often fails to give the commensurate returns on the significant investment required in the OTA, suitably massive mount and necessary observatory.

I'd happily have your gear though

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