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Old 13-09-2017, 04:52 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: The Shire
Posts: 8,132
I disagree with the sampling argument as it ignores the intrinsic resolution of the instrument. If were stuck with average seeing limits all the time, then most high res planetary imagery would be impossible.

I frankly find images taken at around 1100mm a bit of a yawn. Rarely is there any filigree detail.

Ive also found galaxies to be a mix of deep sky and planetary imaging. Image scale AND brightness helps enormously IMHO. I'd suggest something at the FL 2500mm mark would be about right.

Assuming you dont want to be at F10, then that also means a fair sized aperture.

Now we are talking big scope....and big mount....assuming you don't want it wobbling all about the place.

So. Careful what you wish could lead to aperture fever.
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