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Old 17-08-2017, 08:32 AM
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astronobob (Bob)
Casual Cosmos Capturer

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Originally Posted by Camelopardalis View Post
Nice one Bob on a night worth capturing I always look for the Cassini Division in live view...if it's not there, I do something else

But yeah, the live view and stacked image are quite different beasts!
Oh yeah, the 'cantsee-division' mate, sometimes I cant see the gap between rings & the planet, but agree, cant see - no do

Originally Posted by Paul Haese View Post
I took a segment out of the video data I took on the 2 June. This is about 25 seconds of the red channel on one of the runs. Seeing was pretty steady.

Click here for video
Hey Paul, awesome of you to share that, good man.
If I seen that here, you'd probably hear me from your place...
Mono obviously helps, but still, it gives one a good idea of conditions with this view - very refined edges showing there
Explains a lot, thanx ...
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