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Old 13-06-2017, 01:50 PM
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strongmanmike (Michael)
Highest Observatory in Oz

strongmanmike is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Canberra
Posts: 17,230
This has become quite an interesting thread huh?

Like all forums, there are a lot of different personalities with different motivations and expectations and different posting styles contributing, so it is pretty easy to annoy people of differing types, quite unintentionally. Thing is, this is not always the fault of the poster though, as how a post is read can easily be the mood of the reader too....can all get quite misconstrued at times ...oh and then there are the emoticons, apparently they can be annoying too sorry

While it doesn't particularly worry me and please, the following is said in a very light-hearted, this is not serious stuff, tone...the habit of repro'ing others images is a pretty funny one IMO. Sometimes it is kiiinda helpful I guess..?...but mostly.. it just makes me laugh (sometimes out loud) as it nearly always makes the image worse or at best, presents an alternative, for an alternatives sake, which was really probably unnecessary . It really makes me laugh when a clearly high quality image is posted and someone takes it upon themselves to reprocess and present an alternative version that, for various reasons, looks positively ghastly (now remember!! all that was said veeeery light heatedly ) and I don't particularly mind if someone repros my image for some reason but if it was not asked for or relevant to a discussion...I may well laugh

As for the number of views and posts that an image gets, well, that is largely related to the activity of that imager on the forum and this shouldn't be taken as a result of a cliquey group or tall poppies keeping to themselves, it is simply a natural occurrence. Ie. if you post replies to lots of people and lots of images, then hey, you will generally get lots of posts back to your own images . This shouldn't be taken in a bad way and annoy anyone. I regularly post my images to several other forums where I get very few responses, because I make very few responses, not because I don't care about that forum, I just don't have the time to make multiple responses to multiple forums, IIS is my favourite so most of my posting and replying is done here

This should be a fun game we play, try and see around the negativity where possible and just participate at what ever level you wish

There is probably more to discuss that I have the use of emoticons ...but that'll do

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