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Old 08-03-2017, 08:52 AM
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gaseous (Patrick)
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Originally Posted by gotduss View Post
I just saw the moon. You were very helpful, thank you so much. Is it possible to see the moon's craters with a 20mm or should I use a different eyepiece (12.5mm)?
No worries - whatever questions you may have, I'm sure you won't be the first (or last) to have them. I know you're just getting started, and for one reason or another you may not feel the need to do so just yet, but if you persist with astronomy your viewing may be assisted to some degree by some better eyepieces. I've lifted this from the website:

"Beware of telescopes that have eyepieces with any or all of the following markings: H25, H20, H12.5, and SR4. If the scope has one or more of these eyepieces, it is likely that the images will be marginal to poor. The "H" stands for "Huygens", one of the poorest performing optical designs available (they are inexpensive to manufacture however). "SR" stands for Symmetric Ramsden. Trust me on this: no small telescope will benefit from an SR4 eyepiece. The manufacturer simply includes this so that the high end magnification of the telescope sounds very impressive (it is a marketing ploy). Most people will find using an SR4mm eyepiece extremely frustrating. The SR4mm eyepiece has what is known as very poor eye relief. If you wear glasses, the SR4mm eyepiece will be impossible to look through."
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