Thread: Atik 16200
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Old 13-11-2016, 07:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Slawomir View Post
I have just noticed that Atik is introducing a new 16200 camera on their website. No info on the price as yet, but there is an interesting test image taken with this camera.
The 16200 is the best sensor around for most astrophotographers at this time in my opinion.

It has the same sort of characteristics as its big brother the 16803. same QE, good well depth, 6 micron pixels suits many setups and local seeing conditions and it has very low read noise, lower than 16803 so in that way its an upgrade. I love mine its one of the best sensors I have used. Realistically also it may be one of the last high end CCDs as progress in that market seems slow and all the work is being done in CMOS for digital cameras like the ASI1600 has shown. Plus that is just with the Panasonic M43 sensor not the U-beaut Sony Exmor R sensors. Imagine the Sony A7r2 sensor backside illuminated full frame mono sensor with its advanced pixel desgin, sub 1 electron read noise at low ISO, very high QE in a 16 bit and cooled body - wow, that would suddenly make CCDs seem like dinosaurs.

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