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Old 17-07-2016, 11:30 AM
glend (Glen)
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Originally Posted by wasyoungonce View Post
I meant to link this before, Martin Raabe.

A German guy who built his own ICX453 camera, quite awhile ago, ~2010. Obviously is very talented, doing his own firmware, machining, design even its own inbuilt control and CF card etc. He obviously also paid attention to the sensor sealing.

He also built his own scope, autoguiders, stand alone autoguider, telescope mount and goto controller.

Pity he hasn't released any details.

Also of note is the way he had a secondary chamber around the sensor and desiccant system. Which I have been thinking about. From the RS images and data sheets, it's not entirely obvious that we can access the desiccant or remove the desiccant plug externally, without camera disassembly. It looks as if the plug seals with a nut and O ring but its not obvious if we can remove the desiccant without undoing it's housing. Thus we may not be able to purge our camera. Am I missing something here?

Brendan why not put the dessicant on a plug that inserts into the housing, screws in and seals with the O ring. Several commerical cameras use this method. You can always charge the interior with Argon before you insert the plug, assuming you have it properly sealed. The new ASI1600 cooled cameras, have a top sensor cover section that unscrews from the rest of the case, exposing the desicant pill holders (4) underneath the cap; simple to change. I am sure you guys can come up with a solution.
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