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Old 18-06-2016, 10:58 AM
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Andy01 (Andy)
My God it's full of stars

Andy01 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 3,271
Well this is an interesting thread!
I think there's more to self depreciation of one's own images than merely 'beating oneself to the hurt'.

I think it's because there are so many quality imagers on this forum that they inspire us to raise our standards and lift our game, possibly beyond our equipment's abilities to do so.

We see the percieved faults and shortcomings of our hard work wishing it was better, but accepting that we're still not quite there yet. Hence pointing out the obvious in the hope that someone may have a solution for next time.

I for one am deeply indebted to those who take the time to constructively criticise my images, and my imagemaking has improved markedly as a result.
Sure, sometimes critique can hurt, but knowing it's generally always made with best of intentions, one tends to suck it up, cop it on the chin, learn from it and move on!

For what it's worth, I generally try to critique an image using the Sh*t sandwich method. Ie: say something nice, then say what you really want to say, and finish on an encouraging positive note.

We do this when judging pro photo awards and the entrants are less inclined to be offended, indeed they usually appreciate the positive intent.

Anove all, we're a passionate lot. Dedicated to our craft/hobby and always wanting to do just thst little bit better each time!
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