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Old 16-06-2016, 11:58 PM
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Camelopardalis (Dunk)
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Originally Posted by glend View Post
Sam from ZWO emailed me today about my problems with SGP and the camera communications. He wanted access to my equipment via Teamview to debug and test. I thought about it but had to decline. I don't run Teamview, or even have a dedicated astro computer. At the moment, my laptop gets carried out to the observatory for imaging, but it is also my personal computer with all my stuff on it. I don't have a reliable wifi signal in the observatory, and no network of any kind cabled into it.

I am delighted he is trying to find a solution but i can't see how i could make that request work.
I have offered Sam anything i can supply in the way of settings in both SGP and the camera, drivers, etc even photos of the cable setup.
Glen, having worked in support before myself, you have to accept that this is peoples jobs and they're not interested in the slightest about what else you may or may not have on your computer, they just want to fix the problem so you can get on and use the product as intended, whether it's hardware or software.

Declining hands-on help from the head guy sounds like cutting off your nose...sorry if that's a little too graphic, but you're complaining about an issue but don't want the manufacturers to help No ill will on my part, just an outsiders view. If you want me to delete this I will
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