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Old 03-06-2016, 03:03 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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All modern CCDs and DSLRs use microlenses. They've been around for a while.

Microlenses have evolved over time as well. They were an issue with the ST3200ME as you say the 8300 has little diffraction spikes on bright stars. The Prolone 16803 has a little diffraction spike in one direction only on bright stars. Little oddities.

A few years back a few camera makers made marketing use out of gapless microlenses for a few years.

Another factor often talked about in digital camera circles but not in astro CCD is the thickness of the stack. That is how thick the sensor is plus the microlenses plus the cover slip. It can affect performance with some lenses.

Microlenses on the Sony A7r were custom designed so that those nearer the edges would slope the light over to prevent colour smearing on the edges of images with wide angles lenses.

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