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Old 28-05-2016, 08:49 AM
glend (Glen)
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Thanks for that response Ray. I am sure there is nothing in the SGP files. I went into the subfolders that it created for Darks and Lights, and it is creating subfolders in those by date but there is noting inside the sub folders. I had shot a bunch of darks and only looked at them initially while they were on the sequence capture screen and it never occurred to me that they were not being saved, until I checked the files last night. I can see the sequencer working and yes I can see the download taking place on the bar at the bottom, but it does not save after that.
Re your other question, yes it certainly is working and I can clearly see my target object in the sequence temp display, even down to the gas cloud detail in the Lagoon both in Luminance and Ha. It was when I tired to open one in Photoshop that I discovered nothing in the destination file.
I have downloaded the SGPro Manual pdf (all 200 pages of it) and will be going through that today.
Yes I have the correct (and current) driver for the camera. Re the freeze, maybe that was the incorrect term, it goes into a "Not Responding" mode, and I suspect it maybe due to filter wheel start up routine. It only requried a restart once. I will try to raise a question on the ZWO forum about it but Sam has previously said SGPro had a memory management issue, so perhaps he will just refer me to them. Time will tell. Now that I am getting familiar with SGPro, I don't really want to try another one, if I can just solve the 'save' issue. I do miss the ability to review images in great detail on a Liveview screen.
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