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Old 13-05-2016, 09:07 AM
glend (Glen)
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Originally Posted by gregbradley View Post

I wonder about the viability of this lucky imaging and using a camera like that with 60 second exposures etc. That is still a DSLR approach.

I think this camera should be used with a CCD imaging approach where you expose to get a good signal above noise and not overexpose the bright areas of your image.

Is it because the target audience are used to using their DSLRs or planetary cams and think that way because of that?

Luminance 6 x 10mins 1x1 binning and RGB 10 minutes 2x2 binning all at -20C would put it right next to KAF8300 images for a direct comparison.

With 1.2 electron noise it could be great. The 3.8 micron pixels are quite small but with QE of something like 65% then 2x2 binning could be pretty hot on many setups. You get more well depth and sensitivity and lower noise. That would be the go for narrowband. All 10minutes at 2x2 or longer if your tracking can handle it.

Greg, personally I don't like the term 'Lucky Imaging" as it seems to demean peoples approach to imaging. I am buying this camera as my main imaging camera for the next few years. Yes the pixels are a little small at 3.8 micron compared to my 5.2 micron Canon however, they are fine for imaging off my 1000mm focal length Mak-Newt, and as you say binning will give me a larger effective pixel size for use with my 1250mm focal length 10" newt or even my RC08.

I don't know that the 'target audience' is DSLR people but alot of DSLR people are looking at this camera as a way forward for a few reasons: first is cost, it undercuts entry level CCDs substantially and is really going to change the game so to speak; secondly this camera represents the next generation CMOS technology leading to sCMOS and replacement chips for the coming CCD retirement by major chip makers; finally is it allowing people to change the way they approach imaging (if they choose to)..
Personally my approach to this camera is that it will be used for everything I do. Narrowband it top of my list.
Since you mentioned the venerable KAF-8300 chip I thought I would share this chart I ran across comparing the ASI1600 with the KAF-8300 (a chip that has an entry point $1000 above the ASI1600):
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (ASI1600 V KAF8300.jpg)
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Last edited by glend; 13-05-2016 at 09:22 AM.
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