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Old 09-02-2016, 10:13 AM
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bojan is offline
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Mt Waverley, VIC
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My post (and problem) is a bit unrelated to this discussion.... but maybe someone can help me ?

There was no problem installing PHD on my lap (XP pro, SP3)... it worked only once ( I think after that I needed to install and ASCOM platform). After that I am getting a system message "not initialized properly, exiting". PHD1 behaves the same.

Interestingly, there is no problem on my desktop (same OS), and other lap (w7 home).
However, I want to run it on that Dell Latitude because it is small and because of LPT port (and ST-4 interface)
Please let me know if there are some ideas.. (I posted on Yahoo group, but it seems noone knows anything about it).

Also, Metaguide behaves in the same way.. While K3CCD and GuideDog wboth work OK.
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