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Old 28-12-2015, 08:59 AM
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Jurago is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 10
I did it!! I have finally managed to figure this beauty out! It comes mounted with a scope, and I was using the scope to center the moon in the quadran, but I was doing it wrong, because it didn't have to be centered, it had to be alligned to the top right to compensate for the scope's position(since the scope is positioned on the top left) and I have also removed the Barlow 3x, and used only the Diagonal eye piece adaptor with the 20mm lens and managed to look at the moon AND MY GOD she is superbe! I could see every single detail, every little crater, scratch and every texture of gray, and if I held the telescope on the same position for a few minutes, I could literally see the moon drift away from the sight! It was amazing! My eyes hurt a little bit, since it's very bright, but it was totally worth it! Thanks for help, and I will ask if I have any further trouble
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