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Old 14-11-2015, 10:36 AM
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gregbradley is offline
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Just saw this. I never had any issue with gradients with this camera nor any tilt. But I do see with the many different setups I have used over the years different gradients. For example my Honders setup has a little black bar near the top. I think its from the MMOAG pick off prism. The CDK and Tak BRC250 tend to have a brighter centre in flats, APOs with reducers can get funny reflections.

31mm filters are a little small. I believe they work on QSI cameras because they positioned the filter wheel so close to the sensor. But the SX filter wheel is probably a fair way off from the sensor with adapters etc.

On a faster scope this may be made worse as the angle of light is going to be worse.

I thought 36mm were the go for the KAF8300.
I was sharing a filter wheel with a larger camera so I was using 50mm square filters. FLI promotes how they get their sensors extremely orthogonal. A tilted sensor would be more odd shaped stars in one corner or side of the image not a gradient. A gradient implies something is blocking the light. Are you filters fully secure and they are not loose and flop forward or back? (ie Astronomik filters are 1mm whereas everyone elses are 3mm).

The best suggestion is Peter's. Try taking flats (not overexposed as that complicates any evaluation) without the filter wheel and see if its still an issue. That then nails it down to where the problem is.

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