Thread: Alluna RC16
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Old 06-10-2015, 11:33 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

Peter Ward is offline
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Location: The Shire
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Jayssussswepped....this thing is heavy.

Thankfully Alluna designed the entire back plate and primary to be removed without and dangling wires or sensors.

The Carbon truss (sans mirror) was an easy lift onto the PMEII. The back-plate and mirror assembly were then installed in-situ. (Number 1 Son's help was greatly appreciated ).

A small collimation tweak and balancing were required. I had Alluna custom machine some threads so I could side-mount various 'scopes using a pair of Losmandy's new universal 19" plates. The fit-out went without a snag.

First light was with a TeleVue Panoptic, a warm human eye and Achernar.


Intra and extra-focal images were effectively identical. The optics are essentially perfect.

And of course the obligatory happy-snap of the beast, now on the mount attached.

Now the wait for the correctly spaced camera adapters to arrive from Precise parts....

P.S. The "guidescope" in the background is a 5" Starfire.
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