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Old 28-05-2015, 02:13 PM
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PRejto (Peter)
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Thanks for all the responses. I feel better (I think!).

Yes, if I subtract the master bias from the master dark I cannot see the line.

As best I can tell the difference in ADU between the brighter edge and rest of the frame ~120 adu (1330-1280).

If I completely calibrate the subs, after stacking I can still detect a bit of brightness on the left edge. Normally this might not matter so much but I'm combining Trius RGB with luminance from a chip with a slightly larger FOV (KAF8300) on my TEC180. Doing so does make it stand out so I'm forced to crop down a bit. Not a big deal but recently it's been bothering me.

Slawomir, how do you see amp glow in the frame. I'm not sure what to look for? I see a pretty even spread of 1280-1281 over the whole frame (excluding the edge).

I've been in the habit of not using darks/flats due to reading that it often introduces more noise than it cures. However, then I'm left with the white edge that I must crop out. Is it recommended to just do a bias subtraction? How many bias frames should I take to not introduce noise by doing this?


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