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Old 06-05-2015, 10:49 AM
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PRejto (Peter)
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Poor Man's Rotator?

My setup involves two TEC refractors on the same mount. My idea is to image with both at the same time, luminance on one, RGB the other. So far automating this has been anything but simple but I have made a lot of progress.

A real issue is the lack of ability to rotate cameras which I need to frame objects of interest. Doing this manually for 2 cameras is quite hard and time consuming. Since I use an ONG to guide I don't need to rotate in order to guide. But the framing issue is real for large targets or those spread apart (like Leo Triplet, etc). My rectangular chips are often not aligned to best advantage.

I have gone through a protracted exercise to see if I could add two rotators. The answer is a very qualified "maybe." In the end it would be very expensive, add significant weight, and lots of complication. So, I've decided not to go down that path.

However, I am thinking I could simplify life somewhat if I could take advantage of the two built in focuser rotators built into both TEC scopes. All that is missing is some sort of graduated scale in degrees. So I'm looking for ideas about how something could be added to the tubes of the TECs? The unused finder brackets could hold a pointer with a scale wrapped around the scope tube. But this isn't exactly in stock at the local hardware store....

Another idea might be to use some sort of digital protractor like this:

Having never used such a device I imagine it could only work if gravity is perpendicular to the device which "might" mean I'd need to orient the scopes horizontal every time I wanted to move the rotators which is not ideal. Perhaps I'm wrong about this. I'm looking for any additional ideas, mechanical or electrical which could assist in easier hand rotation.

Many thanks!

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