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Old 28-03-2015, 09:38 AM
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gregbradley is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
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The SX filter wheel is quite well made and easy to use.
Their OAG is OK not great. - a bit flimsy but probably does the job.
The prism is a bit small as well which does not help. I'd give the OAG a 4 out of 10 and the wheel an 8. A MOAG is much more solid and the prism larger.

The FLI filter wheels are good but pretty expensive for what they are.
I had an Apogee FW50 filter wheel once and I liked that. Well made, fast. Had odd adapters though. A plate on the front.

I may get another one though as its probably close to half the price of the FLI filter wheel so long as it can be attached without too much bother.

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