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Old 08-03-2015, 06:43 PM
nudibranch (Paul)
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nudibranch is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Location: Perth
Posts: 5
Thumbs up Thanx

Thanks for this thread Wey.

My daughter got a the same 130P Dob for Xmas and we've had loads of fun with it. I've read through a lot of the discussion you have engendered and it's been instrumental in helping us understand what's what and where!

I posted the current run of sights we are doing at the moment in another thread, sounds like you are in the same area. I can highly recommend the double stars in Volans if you're in the area. It's amazing to think you can see something like this in such a small telescope through all the light pollution!

FWIW I have been trying to see M65 and M66 for a couple of nights as the moon is slowing leaving the area, but so far the LP is winning. Maybe I'll have more luck later in the Autumn.

Anyway thanx again - Paul
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