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Old 19-02-2015, 07:54 AM
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alpal is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
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Hi Andrew,
could you tell me what the value of the pot is in the QHY9 camera?

It may just be a lot simpler to buy one & install it.
Of course I'd buy a 10 turn or 20 turn pot & install it externally via a tiny hole or
I may even be able to get a pot that screws on with an airtight seal.
Like this:

Just drill a hole in the camera case & install it with fine wire
that is covered with fine heat shrink.

Then I could adjust it while outside under the stars.
It is possible that it's adjustment would depend on temperature
& how bright some stars are in the frame.
therefore it may need to be adjusted for each target.
I just don't know yet how critical it is.
I certainly don't want to be taking the camera apart again & again.
A one shot - one time repair is all I want to do.

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